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Vector analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-04-02Updated:2024-04-02
Similar words: factor analysiserror analysisrange analysisfourier analysiscluster analysisproject analysiselectroanalysisspectrum analysis
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(1) The scalar products met in vector analysis are familiar examples of contraction.
(2) The method of changing vector analysis studies the radiation changes of input data.
(3) This paper deals with the multivariate vector analysis of quality data by geometric transformation, rotating coordinates and computation of the principal component of initial variables.
(4) Vector analysis and shock wave theory are applied to the initial phase during which the contact periphery expands more quickly than the compression wave fronts in the droplet.
(5) Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism.
(6) The spirit of vector analysis is to use symbols to represent physical or geometric quantities.
(7) Vector Analysis, Electrostatics , Dielectric , Magnetostatics, Magnetic materials, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic Wave.
(8) A tool path generation method is presented for NC machining based on vector analysis and NURBS.
(9) A method to calculate the volume of a computer model by vector analysis is introduced.
(10) The article demonstrates Ampere's circulation theorem by Biot - Savart's law and vector analysis.
More similar words: factor analysiserror analysisrange analysisfourier analysiscluster analysisproject analysiselectroanalysisspectrum analysistransient analysisspectroscopic analysisanalysisspectrographic analysison analysismarginal analysisinternal analysistask analysisjob analysisbioanalysislog analysisin the final analysispath analysisself-analysiscost analysisanalysis modecase analysisdata analysissize analysisheat analysislogic analysisflow analysis
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